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    [VALTORC] [PVC Valve] PVC-340/350


    PVC Valve PVC-340/350
    제조사: VALTORC (U.S.A.)


    TRUE UNION PVC BALL VALVE [Series 340/350]


    유니온 PVC 볼 밸브는 고품질 PVC와 TFE 시트를 제작되며 상/하류 모두를 안전하고 손쉽게 차단할 수 있습니다.

    포토밸브는 360도 회전이 가능하며 1/2"에서 4"까지 제작됩니다.



    Series PVC-340/350 (True Inion Design)


    Economical choise for true union ball valves - our PVC ball valves are not only durably and made from a heavy duty material - but also a very affordable and economic option to yor project or service need. These valves are ideal for the following applications: water parks, fountains aquariums, light-duty chemical and waste water.


    ▶True union valve design

    ▶Available in sizes 1/2" - 4"

    ▶Double union design allows for quick, easy piping system installation, removal and maintenance

    ▶Long life with self lubricating TFE seats

    ▶Full port valve design

    ▶Handle indicate valve open or close position

    ▶Safety design - blow out proof stem

    ▶Stem has internal land labove the ball that is pressure seated to the body of the stem to seal free from comtaminants in the fluid media